Elden Ring Area Order – How Should You Play The Game?

Elden Ring is one of FromSoftware’s largest video games, with most players clocking in over 80 hours to complete most basic content. You can easily get lost while playing, which is why we thought we’d provide you with an Elden Ring area order, to give you some direction based on how we played the game.
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Elden Ring Area Order
If you want to quickly check out the Elden Ring area order we think is best to complete the game in, take a look at our brief list below.
- Limgrave
- Weeping Peninsula
- Liurnia Of The Lakes
- Ainsel River (Underground)
- Siofra River (Underground)
- Caelid
- Nokron, The Eternal City (Underground)
- Altus Plateau
- Mt. Gelmir
- Lake Of Rot (Underground)
- Leyndell, The Royal Capital
- Subterranean Shunning-Grounds (Underground)
- Deeproot Depths (Underground)
- The Forbidden Lands
- Mountaintops Of The Giants
- Mohgwyn Palace (Underground)
- Crumbling Farum Azula
- Consecrated Snowfield
- Miquella’s Haligtree
- Leyndell, Ashen Capital
By completing all of the above areas, you’ll easily be able to finish the game, and if you’re exploring as much as possible and facing all enemies and bosses, you should be able to leave your stats easily and shouldn’t encounter too much trouble facing the game’s bosses. What’s more, we suggest you check out our talismans page and our guide to the best talismans for mages in Elden Ring to further help you.
Elden Ring Area Guide
Now you know what our general guide for Elden Ring areas is, we’ve compiled a more detailed guide below, providing you with information on each area, what bosses you’ll need to face, and important items too.
Limgrave & Weeping Peninsula

Limgrave is the starting area in Elden Ring and consists of several subsections, including mainland Limgrave and Mistwood, which is home to the Dectus Medallion (Left) item at Fort Haight that allows you to access Altus Plateau. To the north is Stormhill, and the Stormveil Castle dungeon, although we suggest you take those on later. There are several catacombs, Evergoals, and caves within the area, as well as numerous bosses and the NPC Roderika, who can upgrade your spirit summons once you’ve completed her questline.
South of mainland Limgrave is Weeping Peninsula, a small island with several bosses, numerous caves, and the smaller Castle Morne dungeon, which leads to the Leonine Misbegotten boss fight, awarding you a trophy or achievement once defeated.
We suggest you complete as much of southern Limgrave as possible when you start the game, venture to Mistwood east of Limgrave, and then explore the Weeping Peninsula in the south before venturing north to Stormhill and Stormveil Castle to face Elden Ring’s first major bosses; Margit, The Fell Omen and Godrick The Grafted (Shardbearer). Both bosses trigger a trophy or achievement
Liurnia Of The Lakes
Liurnia Of The Lakes is the region located north of mainland Limgrave, which is home to the Academy Of Raya Lucaria dungeon, a shallow lake filled with magical enemies, several important NPCs, several villages, the Caria Manor dungeon, and more.
We suggest you explore the lake and its surrounding areas as you head up to the Academy Of Raya Lucaria dungeon, which is filled with several mage enemies and two major bosses; Rennala, Queen Of The Full Moon, and Red Wolf Of Radagon. Both bosses trigger a trophy or achievement
Once you’ve cleared the Academy Of Raya Lucaria dungeon, you can then head to Caria Manor, a somewhat tougher dungeon that unlocks a new subsection located northwest of Liurnia Of The Lakes. Completing it also requires you to complete the Royal Knight Loretta boss fight, earning a trophy or achievement in the process. Other noteworthy areas include the Village Of The Albinaurics in the south and Jarburg in the east.
Observing the game’s map, you’ll notice that there is an upper section in the south of Liurnia Of The Lakes above the Village Of The Albinaurics, although it can only be accessed later in the game once you’ve completed some underground sections of the map and have progressed Ranni’s quest after completing Caria Manor. Western Liurnia Of The Lakes is also home to the Four Belfries, which transport you to various areas around the map where you can pick up special items by facing tough enemies or mini-bosses.
Finally, Liurnia Of The Lakes offers you two ways of reaching one of the game’s later areas; Altus Plateau. The first is through the Grand Life Of Dectus, although you’ll need to collect the two Dectus Medallion parts, found in Mistwood in Fort Haight and in Dragonbarrow, Caelid, in Fort Faroth. The second is through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, which requires you to venture through several caves and platforms towards the Magma Wyrm Makar boss – a fight that awards a trophy or achievement – before emerging on Altus Plateau.
Ainsel River
Ainsel River is likely the first Elden Ring underground area that you’ll explore. The area consists of several cave systems and larger caverns with sprawling buildings and ruins, but there are two sections to the area that are accessed at different times. The southern part can be accessed by taking the lift at Ainsel River Well, and the northern larger part is accessed via a waygate at Renna’s Rise, only available after progressing Renna’s quest.
We suggest you explore the southern part of Ainsel River relatively early in the game and face the Dragonkin Soldier Of Nokstella boss, which triggers a trophy or achievement. When you return to Ainsel River, the northern portion of Nokstella, Eternal City, you’ll need to make your way through several tough enemies to reach the Lake Of Rot.
Siofra River
Siofra River is another underground area located under Limgrave and Caelid. Unlike Ainsel River, which consists of cave systems, Siofra River is a lush area with a gorgeous night sky. You should be able to complete the area within one sweep without having to return, with an aim to defeat the Ancestor Spirit boss, which triggers a trophy or achievement.
Caelid is a large area, easily identified by its red, rot-infected environment and ominous music. It consists of two areas; the easier southern part of Caelid and the much harder, late-game northern part of Caelid including Dragonbarrow. We suggest you visit southern Caelid once you’ve defeated several bosses, giving you some boosted stats to take on the area.
Upon first visiting, we suggest you run through the area and collect the Map fragment in the south, and then run to the north and collect the map fragment there too. There are several bosses available here, but we suggest you stick to Starscourge Radahn (Shardbearer) and complete the Radahn Festival, which triggers a trophy or achievement.
Once you’ve managed to defeat him, clear out Fort Gael and the remainder of southern Caelid if you feel strong enough, taking on the various bosses, exploring tunnels, and progressing NPC quests. We suggest you stay away from Dragonbarrow, but make sure you run up to Fort Faroth in the east of Dragonbarrow to clear out the mini-dungeon and take the Dectus Medallion (Right), which allows you to access the Grand Lift Of Dectus to Altus Plateau.
There aren’t any additional main bosses in Caelid, but there are several catacombs and caves, as well as numerous dragons that can be defeated for lots of Runes and Dragon Hearts. There are also some important NPCs in Dragonbarrow too.
Nokron, Eternal City

Nokron, Eternal City is an area located above Siofra River and consists of large ruins. The area can only be accessed by climbing into a crater in southern Mistwood after defeating Starscourge Radahn, and the area leads to several important bosses; the Mimic Tear and the Regal Ancestor Spirit. Once you’ve defeated those bosses, you’ll be required to face the Valiant Gargoyle duo boss fight. All bosses trigger trophies or achievements.
Since many people struggle with the Valiant Gargoyle boss fight, it’s suggested that you complete the area up to the boss fight and then return later in the game once you’ve levelled up some more. After defeating them, you’ll be able to access Deeproot Depths via a coffin.
Altus Plateau
Altus Plateau is a large area that covers the area above Liurnia Of The Lakes. As mentioned, there are two ways you can access the plateau; through the Grand Life Of Dectus or the Ruin-Strewn Precipice, both of which are located beside each other. The main Altus Plateau is home to several tunnels, caves, and gaols, although there are no main bosses in the area, there are several mini-bosses you can face for more levels and Runes.
There’s also The Shaded Castle mini-dungeon, which has several strong enemies and important upgrades and other items. At the top of the castle is the highly aggressive Elemer Of The Briar boss, which once defeated rewards you with a trophy or achievement and a legendary armament.
Mt. Gelmir
Mt. Gelmir is the next major area and the most western point on the game’s map. Mt. Gelmir is a vast mountainous region, and climbing it all the way to the top will allow you to access Volcano Manor, a mid-sized dungeon with several important NPCs and two main bosses; Godskin Noble and Rykard, Lord Of Blasphemy (Shardbearer), both of which trigger a trophy or achievement.
There are several upgrades available at Volcano Manor and Mt. Gelmir, but the area is filled with several difficult enemies, bosses, and invasions, so only make sure to venture here when you’re strong enough.
Lake Of Rot
The Lake Of Rot is another underground area accessed by Ainsel River. As hinted at by its name, the location is home to a gigantic scarlet rot river that you’ll need to cross to continue Ranni’s quest. There are several groups of enemies, an invasion, and a Dragonkin Soldier boss fight.
Reaching a coffin at the end of the area will transport you to the Astel, Naturalborn Of The Void boss fight, which triggers a trophy or achievement. Astel is a challenging fight that will take you to the Moonlight Altar area of Liurnia Of The Lakes, which is required for completing Ranni’s quest and is home to the Glintstone Dragon Abdula boss fight.
Leyndell, Royal Capital
Leyndell, Royal Capital, is a mid-game area found to the west of Altus Plateau. The area can only be accessed once you’ve acquired two Great Runes by defeating two Shardbearers, and you’ll need to defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel guarding the entrance to the city at the northern part of the Capital Outskirts.
The Royal Capital is a vast area filled with several tough soldiers, other enemies, and mini-bosses, some of which you can escape from if lucky enough. By completing the area, you’ll eventually progress to main bosses Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade), and Morgott, The Omen King (Shardbearer), both of which trigger a trophy or achievement. Once you’ve defeated the two bosses, you won’t be able to proceed and must speak with Melania to adventure further north of the game’s map.
Subterranean Shunning-Grounds
The Subterranean Shunning-Grounds is an area found under the Royal Capital, which is accessed by jumping down a well near the Avenue Balcony Site Of Grace. The area is the sewers of the Royal Capital and consists of several maze-like pipes filled with strong enemies, an important NPC, and the Mohg, The Omen boss fight too, which triggers a trophy or achievement.
Reaching the bottom of the Shunning-Grounds will give you access to the Leyndell Catacombs and the Cathedral of The Forsaken, which leads to one of the endings required for a game achievement or trophy.
Deeproot Depths
Deeproot Depths is an underground area that can be accessed by defeating the Valiant Gargoyle duo boss fight or through a passage in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. The area is the home of the Erdtree’s roots, as well as numerous important NPCs, including Fia, and access to several bosses, like Lichdragon Fortissax, which is required for a trophy or achievement.
Forbidden Lands And The Mountaintops Of The Giants
Forbidden Lands is the area located between Altus Plateau and the Mountains Of The Giants. It’s a small area filled with Vulgar Militiamen and it has the Black Blade Kindred boss fight, although you can rush past all of this towards the Grand Lift Of Rold towards the Mountaintops Of The Giants.
The Mountaintops Of The Giants is a mandatory area with several challenging boss fights, catacombs, caves, and ruins, as well as the Flame Peak, which is where you’ll face the mandatory Fire Giant boss fight towards the Forge Of The Giants. Defeating the Fire Giant triggers a trophy or achievement.
Along your way to the Fire Giant or after you’ve defeated him, make sure to clear out Castle Sol and defeat Commander Niall for a trophy or achievement and to pick up the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left), which is required to access the optional Miquella’s Haligtree and Consecrated Snowfield areas.
Consecrated Snowfield
Before you head to the Consecrated Snowfield, you’ll need to collect the Right and Left Haligtree Secret Medallion parts; the left part can be found at Castle Sol by defeating Commander Niall, and the right part can be found in the Village Of The Albinaurics. After using the Grand Lift Of Rold, you’ll need to make your way through the Hidden Path To The Haligtree passage with several enemies and the non-main Stray mimic Tear boss fight.
Beyond the passage, you’ll emerge onto the Consecrated Snowfield area that is covered in a blizzard. The area is filled with numerous enemies and several bosses, although none of them are main or mandatory bosses. The area is also home to the Ordina, Liturgical Town in the north, which you’ll need to complete to access Miquella’s Haligtree, and in the west a waygate that’ll take you to Mohgwyn Palace.
Mohgwyn Palace
Mohgwyn Palace is a small underground area found under Caelid that is accessed via the waygate at the western point of the Consecrated Snowfield or by completing White-Faced Varré’s quest. The area is filled with numerous Albinaurics and other enemies, several invasions from Nameless White Mask NPCs, and it’s home to the Mohg, Lord Of Blood (Shardbearer) boss fight located at the top of Mohgwyn Palace, which triggers a trophy or achievement.
Crumbling Farum Azula
Crumbling Farum Azula is a mandatory area located off the main continent of The Lands Between. You’ll be teleported here after defeating the Fire Giant and accessing the Forge Of The Giants. The area is a maze-like crumbling landmass floating around a hurricane, and it’s home to numerous Beastmen enemies as well as two mandatory boss fights; Godskin Duo and Maliketh, The Black Blade, both of which trigger trophies or achievements. We suggest you explore Crumbling Farum Azula to take advantage of all upgrades available within the area before facing Godskin Duo.
Once you’ve defeated the duo boss fight, continue exploring the area until you reach the Site Of Grace before the Maliketh boss door – found easily as it’s guarded by a Tree Sentinel enemy. We then suggest that you return to Leyndell, Royal Capital and get any remaining items as defeating Maliketh will change the area permanently. Once you’ve done that and you feel ready, return to Crumbling Farum Azula and take on Maliketh, The Black Blade.
The Dragonlord Placidusax boss fight can be found in Crumbling Farum Azula, accessed by descending to the centre of the hurricane and laying on the floor to be transported to the boss arena. Although not required for any of the game’s endings, defeating Dragonlord Placidusax triggers a trophy or achievement.
Miquella’s Haligtree
Miquella’s Haligtree is a dungeon found at the northernmost part of the map and accessed by completing the Ordina Liturgical Town puzzle and teleporting via the revealed waygate. The start of the area requires you to navigate several branches of the Haligtree while avoiding Giant Ants, Poison Flowers, and Envoys with ranged attacks. There are several items available here, but we suggest you take your time and navigate the area until you Haligtree Promenade and eventual Haligtree Town.
When you reach the Promenade and Town, you’ll face other enemies, including Zombies, Misbegottens, Battlemages, and more. As you explore the area, you’ll eventually run into the Loretta, Knight Of The Haligtree boss fight, which although not mandatory triggers a trophy or achievement. You’ll eventually enter the Elphael, Brace Of The Haligtree area, which is home to various Knights and Soldiers, as well as a wandering Ulcerated Tree Spirit.
Make your way through the area and descend it to eventually reach Malenia, Blade Of Miquella (Shardbearer) boss fight. It’s one of the toughest fights in the game, and we suggest you leave it until as late as you can in the game once you’ve levelled up as much as you can. Defeating Malenia, Blade Of Miquella triggers an achievement or trophy.
Leyndell, Ashen Capital
Leyndell, Ashen Capital is the final mandatory area in Elden Ring. The area is the Royal Capital but after it’s fallen into ruin and overcome with ash. Although the map is the same, a majority of the Capital cannot be accessed. There are enemies and some items, including a Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, but you’re better off heading back up to the Erdtree to where you faced Godfrey, First Elden Lord (Golden Shade).
In the same area, you’ll now have to face mini-boss Sir Gideon Ofnir, The All-knowing, and once you’ve defeated him, you’ll need to continue pushing forward to face Godfrey, First Elden Lord / Hoarah Loux, Warrior, which triggers an achievement or trophy. With Godfrey defeated and the entrance to the Erdtree open, you can proceed to defeat the final boss and then complete the game.
After completing the game, you’ll be asked whether you want to start New Game+ but you can decline and continue tying up any loose ends with the ability to start a New Game+ whenever you’re ready. That’s it! We hope our Elden Ring area guide has helped you out and you enjoy the game.