Where to find all keycards in Fort Solis

When you first start Fort Solis, a lot of exploration is locked behind tiered keycards – levels two through five – that are found through the mining facility. You start the game with level one clearance but must find all of the higher-level keycards while progressing the story and exploring the mining facility. You can find out where to find all keycards in Fort Solis with our guide right here.
Please note that there are story spoilers in this guide.
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Fort Solis Keycard Locations
As mentioned, all of the keycards are tied to story progression, so if you want to do more exploration and find all collectables, you’ll need to complete the game’s story up to a certain point.
We’ve listed where you can find all Fort Solis keycards below, including which chapter you can grab them:
- Level Two: Found in the Medical Bay surgery room during Chapter One
- Level Three: Found in Nick Tout’s office near the Drill Bay Hangar during Chapter Two
- Level Four: Found in Communications after solving the server puzzle during Chapter Three
- Level Five: Found in the canteen during Chapter Three
When you swap between playing as Jack and Jessica, you will retain all previously collected keycard clearance levels, so there’s no need for you as Jessica to find previous keycards, she will automatically have level three clearance as Jack did before switching characters.
Once you’ve found the fifth and final keycard, you can continue progressing the story to unlock the Greenhouse, the last main area of the game. At this point in the game, you’ll be able to fully explore the entire mining facility to grab any remaining collectables.
We do want to note that there is a point of no return, once you’ve passed through two elevators and the walkway in the Greenhouse and entered a tent, which triggers the game’s ending.
Thankfully, you can free-roam after completing the game by selecting ‘Continue’ at the start screen, sending you back to the point of no return.